Jax Animals North Florida Pet Information Resource for Lost Found and Pet Adoptions

Monday February 10, 2025

Financial Aid for Sick and Injured Animals
Jacksonville, North Florida, National

Jacksonville and North Florida

Saint Francis Animal Hospital in Jacksonville

St. Francis Animal Hospital is for everybody. By that, we mean that we want to include all pet owners, regardless of their financial situation. We want to help take care of the pets whose owners are financially disadvantaged. Ultimately we want to be able to help provide subsidized medical care for pets whose owners otherwise could not afford it. However, we don't want to exclude pet owners who have their own financial means. Pet owners who have financial means can enjoy our reasonably priced care and via their patronage can help support us in fulfilling our purpose.

Local and National Resources

Care Credit

A credit card company for health care, including veterinary care. CareCredit, the leader in patient/client financing, has helped more than 3 million patients/clients get the treatment or procedures they needed and wanted. With a comprehensive range of plan options, for treatment or procedure fees from $1 to over $25,000, we offer a plan and a low monthly payment to fit comfortably into almost every budget.

Feline Veterinary Emergency Assistance (FVEAP)

The NEED & The HELP: Seniors, People with disabilities, People who have lost their job, Good Samaritans who rescue a cat or kitten - any of these folks may need financial assistance to save a beloved companion. The Feline Veterinary Emergency Assistance Program is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that provides financial assistance to cat and kitten guardians who are unable to afford veterinary services to save their companions when life-threatening illness or injury strikes.


From time to time, HandicappedPets.com recognizes a caretaker of handicapped pets that need some special attention, and a little extra help. There are those who are so selflessly dedicated to their animal families that they give up a little more than they can afford.

The Pet Fund

The Pet Fund is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit association that provides financial assistance to owners of domestic animals who need urgent veterinary care. Often animals are put down or suffer needlessly because their owners cannot afford expensive surgery or emergency vet visits. Companion animal owners must often make the difficult decision to put an animal down or neglect urgent medical needs because of the costs involved. The purpose of the Pet Fund is to work towards a future where decisions about companion animal medical care need never be made on the basis of cost.

Red Rover Relief

The RedRover Relief program provides funding to Good Samaritans, animal rescuers and pet owners to help them care for animals in life-threatening situations.

Breed Specific Financial Aid Organizations

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